Sunday, October 30, 2022

Don't Cry, Darling, It's Blood All Right

Whenever poets want to give you the idea that something is particularly meek and mild,

They compare it to a child,

Thereby proving that though poets with poetry may be rife

They don’t know the facts of life.

If of compassion you desire either a tittle or a jot,

Don’t try to get it from a tot.

Hard-boiled, sophisticated adults like me and you

May enjoy ourselves thoroughly with Little Women and Winnie-the-Pooh,

But innocent infants these titles from their reading course eliminate

As soon as they discover that it was honey and nuts and mashed potatoes instead of human flesh that Winnie-the-Pooh and Little Women ate.

Innocent infants have no use for fables about rabbits or donkeys or tortoises or porpoises,

What they want is something with plenty of well-mutilated corpoises.

Not on legends of how the rose came to be a rose instead of a petunia is their fancy fed,

But on the inside story of how somebody’s bones got ground up to make somebody else’s


They go to sleep listening to the story of the little beggarmaid who got to be queen by

being kind to the bees and the birds,

But they’re all eyes and ears the minute they suspect a wolf or a giant is going to tear

some poor woodcutter into quarters and thirds.

It really doesn’t take much to fill their cup;

All they want is for somebody to be eaten up.

Therefore I say unto you, all you poets who are so crazy about meek and mild little

children and their angelic air,

If you are sincere and really want to please them, why just go out and get yourselves

devoured by a bear.

Ogden Nash 1902 - 1971, from Parents Keep Out

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